December 10, 2010

Chocolate Crinkles - Is it a cookie or a brownie?

"Chocolate crinkles? I love chocolate crinkles!" my 3-year old said. She was ecstatic when she found out I was going to make some.

I remember there used to be a bakery in the Philippines that makes this really good.  I have no idea where to buy this cookie...or brownie here in US. Some consider it a cookie but i think its too soft to be a cookie. Some say its a kind of brownie. I don't really know what this is but I had to make some myself 'cause it's really good and yummy!

I like making Chocolate crinkles because I know that I will always have assistants when I make it. My kids love to help me especially my little girl. (Which reminds me...I think I should get her an apron now that she's got her own kitchen set.) So, in my opinion this is a great mom and daughter/son activity. That is if you are okay with getting you kitchen really messy.

With the way how this Chocolate crinkles look like, I think this can be one of the food you can serve on Christmas. Oh, I tell you...not only the kids will love will too!

1 comment:

nica tan said...

oh my gosh! they look so good and bite size :9 *licks lips* these werealways my favorite back in philippines, but they never looked this good and this fresh. send me some! haha