December 10, 2010

Chocolate Crinkles - Is it a cookie or a brownie?

"Chocolate crinkles? I love chocolate crinkles!" my 3-year old said. She was ecstatic when she found out I was going to make some.

I remember there used to be a bakery in the Philippines that makes this really good.  I have no idea where to buy this cookie...or brownie here in US. Some consider it a cookie but i think its too soft to be a cookie. Some say its a kind of brownie. I don't really know what this is but I had to make some myself 'cause it's really good and yummy!

I like making Chocolate crinkles because I know that I will always have assistants when I make it. My kids love to help me especially my little girl. (Which reminds me...I think I should get her an apron now that she's got her own kitchen set.) So, in my opinion this is a great mom and daughter/son activity. That is if you are okay with getting you kitchen really messy.

With the way how this Chocolate crinkles look like, I think this can be one of the food you can serve on Christmas. Oh, I tell you...not only the kids will love will too!

December 6, 2010

Lil' girl gets her Dora cake

My lil' girl asked for a Dora party. She's turning 3! We all know that having a Dora party would mean having the Dora cake too!

Birthday parties are never complete without a cake.  Sometimes with these affairs, guests look forward more to getting a piece of the birthday cake which makes a lot of people thrilled versus the celebrant who is more interested with opening the presents which makes only one person happy.:)

Anyway, being the mama of that little girl, of course I started planning for her Dora party and birthday cake. The problem was, I don't really watch Dora shows/ movies so I needed to exert extra effort to come up with some ideas for her cake. I knew she was called "Dora the explorer" and she speaks Spanish. That's pretty much what i know. So research..research..research! 

So this is what I've come up with. version of Dora the explorer cake...

I don't know if it looks like a jungle to you but it sure does to me. :)  What's important is that my lil' girl got her Dora cake.

"Like it? Love it? or Gotta have it?" 

Maybe on your kid's birthday...I can make them their birthday cake, too. You's a piece o' cake after all!